This week’s freebie is a pair of printable mini calendars with different patterns for you to print and cut out.
This is a pretty straight forward printable! Each calendar is a 6 page PDF that you can print out at 100%. Then cut each sheet down the middle and cut off the extra paper on the sides. There is a circle on each month near the top to use as a guide for the hole puncher if you choose to thread these through. (The circle isn’t in the photos because I hadn’t thought to do it until I was stuck measuring to find the center and using a push pin hole as the guide for mine.)
As for binding methods, you could staple these, hole punch and put on a push pin, or string a ribbon or some embroidery floss (I braided mine for visual interest), or just hold them together with a clip that you can hang on a nail or push pin.
I hope you like these and I would love to see your calendars if you end up posting them on social!

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